Noxia is a fake nation created by the Objection Studios team. Over months we have developed a strong history behind it. From military documents and government acts, to full scale wars and revolutions, to companies corperations within Noxia, and even to space programs, and intricate civilian areas.

Our project wishes to explore all aspects of creativity from visual graphic art, animation and such, to plain old text writing. We are sharing this in hope for feedback, suggestions, and to expand the project's ideas! And we hope you can help with that.

But anyway..

What is Noxia?

Noxia is an absolute monarchy, located between Spain and France. They are the spearhead of the diplomatic and military alliance known as the Noxian Alligiance Pact (NAP) or the "Noxian Empire", a sort of group of independant countries in a very tense alliance that, for all practical reasons, sort-of worships Noxia. Noxia is split into 3 eras, they are: The Before, The Present, and The Forward Technology Era (future). Key events from each varie from the resource cutoff, to the civil war, to the first 3 kings.

Noxia recognises itself as a Kingdom with its Monarch Holding all the power, although being a Kingdom they are willing to act as a totalitarianism state with no mercy if it comes down to it, so far they have managed to not go on an all out killing spree.

Founded in 1576, by Spanish, British, and French seperatist groups. A few small towns that had good trade between them all united. They had little resistance from the groups they had taken this land from, that little resistance they did get was squashed by the newly formed "Noxians". Years into the founding, the Noxians had been working hard and had accumulated a lot of wealth, this caused greed surge in fellow nations, and the small country of Noxia had to go through many small wars to ensure their survival. By 1800, Noxia and Spain signed a non-hosility agreement, later in 1803, leading to alliance between them, it was a very strong and trust built alliance.

A short while later a new group called "The New Order" was forming, during this time the country had become a mess of corruption, espionage, attempted coups- the whole lot. By 1895 "The New Order" had finished gaining its power and they overfrew the old monarchy. They then established their own, authoritarian dictatorship, later that converted back to a monarchy (after only 5 years). Noxia knew they had no chance in Europe, so they searched- every chance, every gap, every crack in a nation, and a deal was proposed forming the Noxian Alligiance Pact. Several nations around the world influenced by Noxia. Noxia being fairly technologically advanced due to its many research institutes was able to keep influence onto these countries to the modern day and even the post time. Worst case senario they just instilled fear into their subordinates. With this they formed trade routes between West Africa and East South America, this would be known as "The Bridge", while the area next to Mexico was refered to as the "Southern Block". Although as time moves closer to 1901, other natioons are catching up to Noxia technologically and this leaves the end of this era just after the death of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

And that, is only a small part of this project.